Al-Umni Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, July 10th, 2023
Under the direction of John Mosca, New York
Tickets Unterfahrt

Am Montag, 7. November richtet die Monaco Jazzclub Big Band Al Porcino eine Hommage aus.
Tickets Unterfahrt

Concert in honor of Al on his 95th birthday with
Al-Umni Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, May 18, 2020
directed by John Mosca, New York.

Concert for Al on his 94st birthday with
Al-Umni Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, May 13, 2019

Unter der Leitung von John Mosca, Vanguard Jazz Orchestra, New York.

Vanguard Jazz Orchestra
Tickets Unterfahrt

Concert for Al on his 93st birthday with
Al-Umni Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, May 14, 2018

Tickets Unterfahrt

Concert for Al on his 92st birthday with
Al-Umni Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, May 15, 2017

REMEMBER … „We don’t play Dixieland, we don’t play Glenn Miller, we don’t play Avantgarde, only Swing Music Pur”. Das war das Motto des 'Kreuzritters des Swing' Al Porcino und ist die Losung seiner Band, die heute meisterhafte Charts aus der Feder der berühmtesten Big Band Komponisten und Arrangeure zum Klingen bringt. Zur Alumni Big Band zählen Meister ihres Faches. An den Trompeten: Florian Jechlinger, Franz Weyerer, Ralf Hesse, Peter Tuscher; Posaunen: Gerd Fink, Johannes Herrlich, Jürgen Neudert, Auwi Geyer; Saxophone: Thomas Bouterwek, Thomas Faist, Thilo Kreitmeier, Till Martin, Michael Lutzeier; Rhythmus: Claus Raible, Thomas Stabenow, Michael Keul; Gesang: Annette Neuffer & Nina Plotzki. "SWING ist ein wundervoller Zaubertrank", sagte Al immer, kosten Sie heute Abend davon!

Tickets Unterfahrt

Concert for Al on his 91st birthday with
Al-Umni Big Band conducted by Roger Rhodes
live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, May 16, 2016

Annette Neuffer (voc/tp), Nina Plotzki (voc), Claus Reichstaller, Florian Jechlinger, Franz Weyerer, Peter Tuscher (tp), Thomas Faist, Roger Jannotta (as), Thilo Kreitmeier, Claus Koch (ts), Michael Lutzeier (bs), Gerd Fink, Jürgen Neudert, Ulli Kaethner, Auwi Geyer (tb), Tizian Jost (p), Thomas Stabenow (b), Michael Keul (dr), Roger Rhodes (cond)

"Schwing Music pur!" So lautet das Motto dieses Abends im Zitat des Altmeisters Al Porcino. Der schon zu Lebzeiten legendäre und 2013 verstorbene Leadtrompeter Al Porcino spielte seit 1943 mit allen namhaften Jazz-Orchestern und ist auf unzähligen stilbildenden Aufnahmen zu hören. 1977 fand der in München seine Wahlheimat. Sein jahrzehntelang durch Praxis und Erfahrung gestähltes Know-How, sein kompromissloser Swing, sein geschmackvoller Trompetenstil, sein unbestechliches Timing und nicht zuletzt die Sammlung seiner 100 besten Big Band-Arrangements hatten einen maßgeblichen Einfluss auf die deutsche Jazz-Szene. So kommt es, dass beinahe jeder Big Band-Musiker in Deutschland direkt oder indirekt sein Schüler war. Einige von ihnen - heute selbst Jazzgrößen - versammeln sich heute unter der Leitung von Roger Rhodes, dem langjährigen Weggefährten und Bassisten der New Yorker Band Al Porcinos. Denn heute wird gefeiert: der 91. Geburtstag des großen Trompeters, sein großartiges Bandbook und natürlich der "Schwing - it's a wonderful tonic". (Text ML)
Tickets Unterfahrt

Concert for Al on his 90th birthday with
Al-Umni Big Band conducted by Roger Rhodes
live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, May 14, 2015

Tickets Unterfahrt

Ein letztes Mal möchte ich Al feiern und ehren
im Kreis seiner Freunde, Kollegen und Fans
am Abend des 15. Mai 2014
(einen Tag nach seinem Geburtstag)
im i-camp/neues theater in der Entenbachstraße 37 in München.
Beginn: 19.30 Uhr
u.A.w.g. an

1943 - 2013 – 70th stage anniversary
Farewell from the stage concert with band, alumni, and friends of Al Porcino at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, July 29, 2013
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich,May 20, 2013 featuring Jenny Evans - LAST CONCERT
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich,March 4, 2013 featuring Nina Plotzki
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich,January 7, 2013 featuring Nina Plotzki

Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich,November 19th, 2012 featuring Jenny Evans
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich,October 8, 2012, featuring Nina Plotzki
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich,July 9, 2012, featuring Annette Neuffer
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich,May 14, 2012, Birthday concert with special guest Jenny Evans
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich,March 19, 2012, featuring Jenny Evans

Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich,December 26, 2011
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich,October 3, 2011
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich,July 11, 2011
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, June 13, 2011
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, March 28, 2011
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, February 21, 2011

Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, December 27, 2010
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, November 29 , 2010
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, October 4 , 2010
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, July 19 , 2010,
celebrating 31 years of Al Porcino Big Band in Germany
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, May 24, 2010,
celebrating 31 years of Al Porcino Big Band in Germany
Al Porcino conducting the Uni Jazz Orchester Regensburg and Volvo Big Band at Audi Max Universität, Regensburg, May 16, 2010.
Photos: Al Porcino conducting the Uni Jazz Orchester Regensburg and Volvo Big Band
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, March 29 , 2010,
celebrating 31 years of Al Porcino Big Band in Germany
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, January 4, 2010,
celebrating 31 years of Al Porcino Big Band in Germany

Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, October 19, 2009,
celebrating 30 years of Al Porcino Big Band in Germany
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, July 6, 2009,
celebrating 30 years of Al Porcino Big Band in Germany
Al Porcino Big Band live at "Bühne frei im Studio 2" , June 24, 2009,
Karten: BRticket-Service (Tel. 089-5900 4545) sowie bei München Ticket und an der Abendkasse
Eingang: Rundfunkplatz 1, München
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, May 4, 2009,
celebrating 30 years of Al Porcino Big Band in Germany, special guest - tba
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, April 13 , 2009,
celebrating 30 years of Al Porcino Big Band in Germany, special guest - tba
Al Porcino Big Band live at Michel's Bistro, Eching, April 8, 2009
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, March 2, 2009,
celebrating 30 years of Al Porcino Big Band in Germany, special guest - tba
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, January 5, 2009,
celebrating 30 years of Al Porcino Big Band in Germany, special guest - tba

Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, November 17, 2008,
celebrating 30 years of Al Porcino Big Band in Germany, special guest - tba
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzbar Vogler, Munich, October 30, 2008,
celebrating 30 years of Al Porcino Big Band in Germany, special guest - tba
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, June 23, 2008,
celebrating 30 years of Al Porcino Big Band in Germany, special guest Claus Reichstaller
Al Porcino as guest conductor with SNO, Nürnberg, May 25, 2008
Photos: Sunday Night Orchestra-Nürnberg
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, April 28, 2008,
special guest: Romy Camerun
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, March 24, 2008,
watch live-video at
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, March 3, 2008
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, January 7, 2008

Al Porcino as guest conductor with Groove Legend Orchestra, Leerer Beutel, Regensburg, December 26, 2007
Al Porcino as guest conductor with Big Band Christmas Special, Art Theater, Köln, December 19, 2007
Al Porcino as guest conductor with Uni Big Band, Audi Max, Regensburg, November 29, 2007
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, November 19, 2007
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, October1, 2007
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, June 25, 2007,
watch live-video: vodcast
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, March 26, 2007
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, January 8, 2007

Al Porcino Big Band live at Audi Forum, Ingolstadt, October 19, 2006,
CD - presentation with guest soloist Herb Geller, as
Photos: Audi Forum-concert    /   Audi Forum-backstage
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, October 9, 2006
Al Porcino live in Los Angeles, at the Four Points Sheraton, LAX, May 25-28, 2006,
Photos of Al in the U.S., May 2006
Al Porcino Big Band live at Schlossberghalle, Starnberg, April 27, 2006
Al Porcino Big Band live at 13. Mindelheimer Jazztage,  April 2, 2006
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, March 20, 2006
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, January 2, 2006

Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, October 17, 2005
Al Porcino as guest conductor with Summit Jazz Orchestra, Regensburg, October 9, 2005
Al Porcino as guest conductor on tour with Dani Felber Big Band in Switzerland, September 2005
Workshop, Diessen, August 23-27, 2005
Al Porcino as guest conductor with Sunday Night Orchestra, Nürnberg, July 25, 2005
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, May 13 & 14, 2005,
birthday celebration with guest soloist Herb Geller, as,
congratulation by Christian Ude
Al Porcino Big Band live at Audi Forum, Ingolstadt, May 12, 2005,
with guest soloist Herb Geller, as
Al Porcino Big Band live in Mühldorf, April 29, 2005
Al Porcino Big Band live at Gärtnerplatz Theater, Munich, April 1, 2005
Al Porcino Big Band live at Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich, January 3, 2005

NEW - RELEASE:  (click on thumbnail -- big image and music)

"Al Porcino Big Band & Herb Geller"
to order at:

NEW - RELEASE:  (click on thumbnail -- big image and music)
Limited Edition:

"The Show of the Century"

€ 15.oo plus postage


 (click on thumbnail -- big image and music)
5* in Downbeat
Limited Edition:


"Mel Tormé Live at the Maisonette"

€ 15.oo plus postage


  (click on thumbnail -- big image and music)


"Al Cohn Meets Al Porcino"
  to order

   For booking or further information, please contact: